Declarations is an ongoing artistic research into the poetic materiality of the CSS web-standard.

April worksession @ Constant


This chapter was done with: Camilo Garcia, Daniel Murray, Doriane Timmermans, Florence Walker, Karl Moubarak, Lara Dautun, Martin Lemaire, Sohyeon Lee, vo ezn.

During a one-week worksession with artists, writers, amateurs, designers and hackers, we inspect a shift in design practices emerging from the nature of the web: as it is made of text, designing become writing. This fundamentally differentiates it from other design paradigms that imposed themselves as the normative way to publish with software (namely Adobe software). We no longer place elements or delimit spaces with gesture but with words.

We explored how the malleability of this language is used to dialogue with technology. Similarly to choosing words to tell a story, designing with declarations means we state our intentions and encode narrations into the things we make.

presentation on CSS stories given on the first day

The worksession was hosted by Constant VZW, in their studio space Chaussée de Jette. The worksession was made on open call to seek for transdisciplinarity, and performing a research in a common space. The profile where selected with diversity of practices and backgrounds in mind. The call can be found here.

The first day was open to the public and for artist to present a story. The following stories where told:

The structure of the 4 next days was centered on conversations and cross-over that emerged out of those presentations. Slowly certain thematics became clearer.

Outcomes so far

It took the form of a generous and playful research by doing experiment, not all with a need for documentation of completness. The transdisciplinary aspect became effecient and exciting, as this constituted an opportinity for new type of collaborations for most of the present researchers.

Most importantly, the discussion and feedbacks from those different experiment where archived on multiple etherpads.

Constant Public Window (from 15 April 2024 to June 2024, Constant vitrine, Saint-Gilles)

The vitrine acted as the rendering of the April worksession. It was part of the parcour d'artiste de saint-gilles, and counted around 30 persons on the opening, alongside a presentation of the research coordinator Doriane Timmermans, which was recorded by Constant for archival. The crafting of the vitrine itself tried to play with the various experiment in an analogic and symbolic format, trying to put forward simpl ideas rather than indepth digital research. It was made with the help of some people from the preceding week worksession.